© millerstown.org 2025
Millerstown Borough Council
Meeting Minutes
April 1, 2024
Those in attendance: President Rob Shipp, Vice President
Kevin Hertzler, Council members Rich Fegley and Donna
Showers. Mayor John Kerns, Secretary Karen Knellinger,
Plant Manager Dave Stroup and Operator Jared Wagner,
HRG engineers Justin Medinsky and Isaac Underhill,
Solicitor Bill Dissinger.
President Shipp called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
Public and Private Concerns
Sign ins for three minutes
Michelle Jones, representing PeCoEDA, offered a program
for vocational students to assist in beautification within
the 9 boroughs. More information to come at a later date.
Mike Sweger; does not wish to speak at this time.
The minutes from the regular meeting were emailed and
reviewed. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to
approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember
Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous.
The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed and
discussed. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to
approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Fegley
seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous.
Street Committee Report
Dave would like to purchase supplies to build a workbench
and a set of steps for the Sewer Plant. Approval was
The traffic counter put on Poplar Street without
permission was removed and Dave only saw a white
pickup pulling away but could not identify it.
The grass replacement on Poplar is complete. He asked
estimators to bid on the necessary paving for the year and
hopefully have their bids for the next meeting.
Sewer Committee
The pump assembly needs a new impeller, wear plate,
seals and shaft. Dave is waiting on a quote for the repair
vs. purchasing a new complete package. Currently, we
have no backup since the other pump also needs to be
Water Committee Report
Dave advises the meter to measure the water pumped
from the well needs to be repaired or replaced. His
estimates are $1,550 for repair or $2,300 for a new meter.
The current meter is 10+ years old and is obsolete and the
parts will be more difficult to find. A warranty would come
with a new one. HRG recommends a new meter.
Councilmember Fegley made a motion to approve the
purchase of a new well meter. Vice President Hertzler
seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous.
The PFAS or Forever Chemicals testing results are a Non-
Detect or negative. We need to do three more tests for the
rest of the year and if they are all negative, the testing will
only need to be done every three years.
Finance Committee Report
The final audit should be ready for the next meeting.
A payroll scam was detected and averted.
Solid Waste Committee Report
Chair Showers advises one resident had put out way too
much trash and was sent a letter. CCD is a weekly trash
service, not a cleanup or clean out service.
Engineer’s Report
Isaac advises the New Harvest Church plan comments still
need to be addressed for runoff to pave the parking lot.
They will be hiring a new designer as the last one was not
licensed. Mike Hartley advised he is free for consultation
representing the GWSD for any storm water/runoff issues.
Justin advises $25,000 for CCTV on the sewer mains was
included in the CFA grant. He received quotes and Mr.
Rehab was the lowest at $14,120. The CCTV needs to take
place first in order to know what needs to be dug up and
replaced or slip lined. Vice President Hertzler made a
motion to accept Mr. Rehab estimate for the CCTV work
needed. Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion.
Approval was unanimous.
Senator Casey appropriations bill was funded and we
should receive a confirmation by 4/15 with rules to access
the funds. HRG will work with a well consultant to get the
project estimates and pump test sampling. President
Shipp asked how long to expend the funds and Justin is
not sure. The drilling, sampling, testing, water quality and
remediation if needed and production levels will all be
determined after the initial testing is completed.
Justin submitted additional information to DEP for the
Chapter 94 Annual Report for future flow projection. The
Chapter 110 Report has been completed and submitted.
Zoning Permit
Zoning officer Reilly is not in attendance but a permit was
denied for 101 Nace Street garage for building setbacks.
The Zoning Hearing Board will schedule a review and
Mayor’s Report
Mayor Kerns will contact the State Police again for one
offender continually parking on South Market Street
Solicitor’s Report
7:30 pm: Solicitor Dissinger advises at this time the
meeting will be recessed to a Public Heating for the
adoption of the Subdivision and Land Development
Ordinance. The document was previously advertised and
reviewed by the Borough engineers HRG and Perry County
Planning Commission.
A stand-alone ordinance for solar power and storm water
has been previously adopted separately.
At this time, Solicitor Dissinger called for any comments on
the SALDO. Resident Mike Sweger asked if this would
affect any of his commercial properties he owns. Solicitor
Dissinger advised this is for new land subdivision and
future Land Development only; this does not address
zoning or make any zoning changes. This is for the
approval process and decision making to be by the
Borough Council for local control.
Hearing no others, at this time the Public Hearing is
Recess back to the Borough Council Meeting.
Councilmember Fegley made a motion to accept
Ordinance #2024-02 SALDO the Planning Committee
recommended for adoption at their meeting. Vice
President Hertzler seconded the motion. Approval was
Ordinance #2024-03 Junk Cars on Borough owned streets
and alleys was presented and advertised ahead of time.
This will allow the vehicle to be towed with the costs to the
owner for towing, fees and storage.
Vice President Hertzler made a motion to accept the
Ordinance #2024-02 SALDO the Planning Committee
recommended for adoption at their meeting.
Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion. Approval
was unanimous.
Councilmember Fegley asked if anything could be
addressed for junk cars on private property. Solicitor
Dissinger advised if they are a public nuisance, but they
are not based solely on the fact they are uninspected or
unlicensed. It may be addressed under the zoning
ordinance, he will do future research.
Solicitor Dissinger confirmed the Peddlers Ordinance is on
hold for now and the court reporter for the upcoming
Zoning Hearing Board will be secured. The Solicitor would,
if so authorized by Council, attend the hearing to oppose
the variance on the Council’s behalf. Hearing none, the
Solicitor will not attend the hearing.
Old Business
Councilmember Ritzman is to advise of the owner of the
vehicle on School Street but he is absent.
New Business
PeCoEDA and PCCA want to install a mosaic at the Locust
Street tunnel. Penn Dot owns the tunnels and the Borough
is in care and control. An agreement concerning
maintenance and liability needs to be secured after Penn
Dot approval. This was not brought up to the Council
before now to be approved prior to the commissioning of
the GWSD art class. PeCoEDA representative Michelle
Jones apologized as she was under the impression
Council’s approval was secured months ago. She is
working with Senator Rothman’s office to secure approval
from Penn Dot. If it does not work out, another plan will be
A new solar panel for $100 for the flag pole at the Borough
office building was approved as a maintenance item.
Pete Simone from Simone Collins and Mike Hartley
presented the plan for the Bike/Ped Trail for a resolution
to be accepted at the June 3rd meeting. A final meeting is
scheduled at the Greenwood Elementary on 5/14. Several
concerns were brought up during the presentation
concerning the islands, parking, tree planting, design and
implementation. Council was assured this plan will
incorporate all concerns and is not final.
Council adjourned to an Executive Session for personnel
Council returned to regular session. Vice President
Hertzler made a motion to advertise for a new employee
since Dave will be retiring at the end of the year.
Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion. Approval
was unanimous.
Vice President Hertzler made a motion to adjourn.
Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval
was unanimous.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 6th at 7pm.